Projects as a Mechanism

  • Program Manager
  • Manufacturing
  • "Projects turn that vision, that creative dream...into practical, measurable steps and deliverables"

  • Coming up with a new business strategy is exciting and fun - the brainstorming, the colourful post-its, the creative sketches on whiteboards, the catchphrases - Vision 2.0, Mission X^2 etc. 

    The challenge is in the delivery of the strategy. What happens after we return to our desks from these workshops and away days? What happens after the excitement and fanfare of the brainstorming is over?


  • Projects are the solution. To implement/execute business strategies efficiently and effectively, project management must be intrinsically linked with the strategies.

    Projects turn that vision, that creative dream...into practical, measurable steps and deliverables. After you develop the strategy, seek the services of Project Managers to help you break down the strategy into batches.

    The requirements of each batch forms the project requirements and shapes the scope. With a solid monitoring and controlling project management system in place, the progress and success of implementation can be tracked; and the projects deliverables are traceable to the original requirements.


  • In my experience in working in successful and not so successful business strategy implementation, project management is a key success factor in business.

    Early engagement of project management professionals is key. Keep up the momentum by engaging project management professionals to define an execution plan for your strategy.

    An additional tip is to look out for project managers who aren't only qualified on paper, but who also have practical experience in tailoring processes, methods and tools to the unique needs of your business.


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